Art supply reviews, lightfast testing, painting demonstrations & more!
Detailed reviews for watercolor, gouache, acrylic and other art supplies. Painting videos, color chart swatch cards, pigment info, list of lightfast palette recommendations and fugitive colors to avoid.
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About the artist Kimberly Crick
Thank you for visiting my new and improved website. You may have seen me on Ebay, Etsy and art sites around the net before as "EnchantedGal" or "The Enchanted Gallery" (based on my first website www.TheEnchantedGallery.com established in 2004). The old site now redirects to this one because it used outdated tech which caused errors with mobile phones/tablets and dropped me from search engine results. This site is a replacement for the old one with modern conveniences like automatic email confirmations, tracking updates and optional customer accounts for order management.
I started this business as a way to work from home when I developed a serious illness. I was in college at the time, hoping to become an art teacher, when I had to drop out due to Stage IV Hodgkins Lymphoma. With the combined debt of cancer treatments and the inability to keep a standard 9 to 5 job for several years, I put forth my best effort to share my love of painting and art materials by starting a home business. If it weren't for the support I've received from my deeply appreciated customers, I may not have endured through my struggles. This online business quite literally saved me from homelessness during a time that I was too ill to leave the house.
A big THANK YOU for your help in making my art and craft business a success :)
Kimberly Crick
Email: enchantedgallery@gmail.com